Essential Oils and Frequency

“Because science has long taught us to rely on what we can see and touch, we often don’t notice that out spirit, thoughts and emotions and body are all made of energy. Everything is vibrating, In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality” Penny Pierce author of Frequency: the power of personal vibration.

In my work I have studied and work extensively with frequencies and the human body and how frequencies effect us.  It’s one of my favorite subjects and I want to talk  briefly about that how it relates to essential oils.  Everything in the world has it’s own relative frequency.  You’ve probably seen videos of a singer hitting a particular pitch and breaking a glass.  That is because if frequency, the singer used the pitch that was the relative frequency of the glass and that caused it to shatter.  Another example is how you can have a piano and a guitar in the same room, if you play and G on the piano, the G string on the guitar will ring!  Our bodies are the same.  We are made up of different frequencies.  Some things in our lives will raise our overall frequency, some things will lower it.  The optimum level for maintaining a healthy state is: 62-78 MHz.  Disease is thought to begin if the body’s frequency is below 58 MHz.

When we are exposed to toxins such as chemicals, pathogens, EMF’s and emotional stress, fear, depression, certain foods, it can lower our frequency.  Some things raise our frequency, being in nature, healthy foods, positive feelings such as joy, love and gratitude, Homeopathic supplements, and essential oils!

Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man.  Essential oils start at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of rose oil, the highest frequency oil.

There is a study that was done testing how a cup of coffee effects frequency in the body. One person held a cup of coffee (without drinking any) and his frequency dropped to 58 MHz in 3 seconds.  He put the coffee down and inhaled an aroma of essential oils. Within 21 seconds, his frequency had returned to 66 MHz.

The second person took a sip of coffee and his frequency dropped to 52 MHz in the same 3 seconds.  However no essential oils were used during the recovery time, and it took 3 days for his frequency to return to it’s normal 66 Mhz.

Personally, I enjoy my daily cup of organic coffee in the morning, so after I enjoy my coffee, I take a sniff of peppermint, or lemon or whatever oil is on my counter that day!

So the conclusion is that oils can help you maintain a health frequency, Which helps with supporting overall health and wellbeing, physically as well as emotionally.